Friday, December 9, 2011

So, in light of all the hoopla about the upcoming election, I have been thinking of what I'd like to see in a leader for our country. The conclusions I have come to are not promising. First, those who are our ''viable'' options seem to have more in common with each other than I can accept. If these people are truly for the people and by the people, why don't they resemble anyone I have ever met? Why are we allowing ourselves to be divided by a party, or a color, or nationality? Why do we only want to fight for those ''like us?'' Especially when those that are encouraging the fighting never get their hands dirty, and don't really fit the image we have of ourselves anyway. I am not sheltered, I've met many many people, some that I like and some that I don't, but generally if someone in normal life was as boring, self-serving, corruptable and narrow minded as the majority of our leadership options we would ignore them, vilify them, or have them committed. So why is it acceptable in politics? I find it funny that we as a culture get so upset when one of our lackluster options does something like molest an aide or cheat on their wife, but we breathlessly watch reality(and I use the term loosely) TV garbage and cheer the same type of people on. When did we culturally become such sheep that we will look the other way, or worse, openly support the kind of insanity that leads to getting involved with other countries' affairs while we have children starving in our homeland? I'll tell you why. Because most people are so complacent that they expect to be lead, and if you have never lead yourself, you don't know the qualities of leadership. If you don't know the qualities of leadership, you can't lead and therefore accept the word of any mindless self-serving hack with a penis, money and family connections. Those that are truly innovative and working for common good tend to be stuck in a menial job just to feed themselves and family, where creativity and nurturing are ground down to that fine powder that is blown away by the sands of time. Don't get me wrong, the answers I have would lead to mass destruction, upheaval and change, and we as a culture only accept that if we have an enemy to blame it on. No one wants to take responsibility and say ''Hey, look at this mess. Boy, we have fucked up. Let's stop electing these shitheads. Let's have some middle class here. Let's ask those on welfare what would be the best way to make themselves independent. How can we fix this?'' Instead, we keep reinventing a square wheel and wondering why the damn thing won't roll. Because people lost the idea of thinking for themselves when the family unit was replaced by the Tv unit. Because if all is not well, ignoring it or throwing money that doesn't belong to you at it doesn't fix it. Because it's about time that we are represented by someone who looks like us. Because this isn't working.

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